Meeting other's expectations can be exhausting...

It's OK to prioritize yourself too.

We all need a space that feels safe (mine is with my dog). A space where we can be vulnerable without being judged (dogs are good for that!). Without that, the world can feel like such a lonely and dangerous place. Putting that mask on - the one that has kept you safe - has been a useful skill for survival, but it also feels very isolating. I know because I've been there; you are not alone.

I mean that. You are not alone. Even when it feels like you are alone in the dark, I will be standing behind you with a flashlight.


What issues do I work with?

  1. High-masking Autism in Teens (14-19)
  2. Late-Diagnosed Autism in Adults (20+)
  3. Spiritual Anxiety or Death Anxiety
  4. People-Pleasing/Perfectionism
  5. Identity Confusion

Some of these tend to come hand-in-hand, so don’t worry if you identify with a few things on the list. What’s important is that you understand that, even when they feel insurmountable, none of these issues have to control your life.

If you are wondering why I feel confident in my ability to work with these issues, it is because - alongside professional training both in and outside of schooling - I have had lived experience with all of the items on the list…and I am here to offer you my support. Should you choose to accept it, please feel free to email me or click the link below to book a free 15 minute consultation. :)

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